The Way and The Light Team
Catholics by the Numbers
There are 1.1 Billion Catholics worldwide. This makes the Catholic Church the largest Christian Church in the world.
Respected historians agree that the Catholic Church was begun by Jesus Christ, around the year A.D. 33. This makes the Catholic Church almost 2000 years old. This also fulfills the Lord’s prophecy that even ‘the gates of hell’ wouldn’t prevail against His Church. (Mt. 16:19)
The Church has more hospitals than any non-governmental organization (NGO) on Earth. This fulfills Christ’s call for His followers to heal the sick.
As one example, the Catholic Church cares for more AIDS patients than any other organization, caring for some 24% (almost 1 in 4!) of all AIDS patients.
There have been 265 Popes, going back to the first Pope, St. Peter, who was personally selected by Jesus Christ (see Mt. 16:18-20).
Catholic Parochial Schools and higher education represents the largest number of NGO schools in the world.
Catholic charitable giving and work through organizations like Catholic Relief, the Knights of Columbus, St. Vincent de Paul Society and hundreds more is the most by any NGO on Earth.
Undertaking our Spiritual Journey strengthened by the Divine Power of the Bread from Heaven.
Beloved, to undertake a long journey as Elijah did, in our First Reading (1Kgs 19:4-8), we need food and drink. Elijah triumphed over the prophets of Baal, …
Sharing Our Gifts in the Spirit of Christ.
“Sharing our Gifts in the Spirit of Christ.” Beloved, God has gifted us in different ways (cf. 1Cor 12:8-11; 1Pet 4:10-11) and called us to share with …
Practicing Forgiveness and Reconciliation In The Spirit Of Christian Poverty
“Practicing Forgiveness and Reconciliation in the spirit of Christian poverty.” Beloved, Christ exemplified poverty in spirit (cf. Matt. 3:20; 2Cor 8:9) and commended it to us …
Choose Today Whom You Will Serve
On this 21st Sunday of Ordinary Time, we share this message, “Choose today whom you will serve: the God of Jesus Christ or the gods of …
“The Assumption – Ultimate Victory for those who belong to Christ.”
“The Assumption – Ultimate Victory for those who belong to Christ.” Beloved, the Assumption celebrates that Mary was taken body and soul into heaven after her …
“You too go into my vineyard.”
“You too go into my vineyard.” Beloved, according to St. Pope John Paul II, “The vineyard is the whole world (cf. Mt 13:38), which is to be transformed …